Peaceful Hawai`i Retreat
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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long is the lease?
A: We usually start with a one year lease (preferred) or a six month lease, both of which can be renewed for longer periods. We're open to longer leases, as well. We prefer to have a lease with an end date in the summer (any time from June - mid-August).

Q: What is the utilities fee?

A: We have a flat fee for normal use of utilities. Please contact us for details. Utilities fee covers gas, water, electricity, sewage fee, trash collection, and recycling.

Q: Tell me more about this apartment.
A: This fully furnished designer apartment was completely remodeled and is filled with artwork.  It is a relatively small unit with a good-sized bedroom with Pali mountain views, a marble-finished bathroom and a livingroom - dining area - mini kitchen.  The mini-kitchen features a full sized refrigerator/freezer, a designer cooktop and a dishwasher and no oven. Please note: There is usually only one parking space available for this unit.

Q: Is there a move-out cleaning charge?
A: Yes, in order to guarantee that each renter receives a sparkling clean apartment, we have the apartment professionally cleaned when someone moves out.

Q: What's important to us?

A: Peace and quiet and no smoking. This is a place of tranquility, a retreat in a quiet neighborhood. So we're looking for someone who wants a quiet and peaceful place. If you're in a partying phase, this probably isn't a good match. We're avid sailors, kayakers, hikers, writers/photographers.  We're always happy to share insider kama`aina tips on great kayaking, sailing, snorkeling and hiking spots.
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